DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON: What’s hidden behind this product name?

DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON: What’s hidden behind this product name?

Do you know what the product name DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON actually means? Don’t panic if you have no idea. Because today, we will explain the meaning of our product names using the DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON KVM extender as an example. General facts about DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON is part of a KVM extender system consisting of two units: the computer or …

Looking further than your nose: the G&D and QOSIT apprenticeship exchange programme

Looking further than your nose: the G&D and QOSIT apprenticeship exchange programme

Job specifications and requirements are continuously rising. Hence more and more young people decide to go to university. However, a well guided apprenticeship may offer just as many opportunities. Therefore Guntermann & Drunck and QOSIT, who are also based in the region, decided to cooperate forming an apprenticeship exchange programme. Introducing our instructor: Mr Andreas …