Do you know what the product name DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON actually means? Don’t panic if you have no idea. Because today, we will explain the meaning of our product names using the DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON KVM extender as an example. General facts about DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON DVIVision-MC4-ARU2-CON is part of a KVM extender system consisting of two units: the computer or …
What are you going to do after University? That´s indeed an often asked question for many students! Most of them do not really know what they will do in future – and I am one of them. To evaluate which job in which branch might be interesting for me I started to search for an …
Job specifications and requirements are continuously rising. Hence more and more young people decide to go to university. However, a well guided apprenticeship may offer just as many opportunities. Therefore Guntermann & Drunck and QOSIT, who are also based in the region, decided to cooperate forming an apprenticeship exchange programme. Introducing our instructor: Mr Andreas …
In many industries, especially in telecommunications, optical fibres replace the good old copper cables to transmit information. But what exactly are optical fibres? How do they work? And how are they designed? Here, we will answer frequently asked questions about the topic. What are optical fibres? Basically, optical fibres are nothing more but cables. But …
From April 8-11, we participated in NAB Show 2013 in Las Vegas. Here we shared our stand with our US partner Apantac LLC. The followin video will give you a short impression of our time at the trade show. Thanks to BroadcastShow for interviewing us.
It has been some time since we welcomed to new colleagues. Therefore it is a real pleasure to introduce Tobias Dreier and Alexander Kiflom. Who knows? May be you have already been in touch with one of them while phoning or emailing G&D? So, let’s start – I think you are best introducing yourselves! Alexander: …
Even if spring still leaves us desperately waiting for its arrival, the first months of this year started with a lot of movement, various trips and even more new products: at our spring trade show marathon. First stop: BVE in London February led us across the channel to BVE in London. For the first time, …
May I introduce myself? My name is Apodemus Sylvaticus; or wood mouse in simple English. But my friends call me Apo. During winter, most members of my species find shelter in private homes. But to avoid getting caught by some nasty cats, I decided to spend my winter at the industrial area in Wilnsdorf, Germany. …
By now, participating in CeBIT has become a tradition for G&D. That’s why this year, it’s our 16th time at CeBIT. To celebrate the event, we sorted through many pictures we’ve been taking throughout the years at CeBIT and put together an interesting slideshow. We have to admit: We often smiled while looking at these …
We would like to continue our series of blog posts of frequently asked questions about KVM by answering important questions you might have before selecting and purchasing KVM matrix switches. What is a KVM matrix switch? What features are important? And how does a KVM matrix system work? In the following, you will find answers …