At G&D, innovation and a focus on quality are the driving forces of our daily actions. We constantly challenge ourselves, push innovation processes and develop high-quality products that meet the market’s needs. For this reason, our entire team is particularly proud to have received the TOP 100 Award as one of the most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany.
G&D awarded as top innovator 2021
The TOP 100 award honors particularly innovative medium-sized companies. Based on a scientific system, the award is the result of an independent review by the scientific director of TOP 100, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke.
More than 100 criteria from five categories are used to evaluate the submissions: innovation-friendly top management, innovative climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation/open innovation, and innovation success. Due to the current situation, the evaluation also included a special section examining the corporate response to the Corona crisis.
As top innovators, we always focus on providing our customer with equipment facilitating their work. This is why we would like to introduce you to some projects and offers that highlight our innovative strength and provide you with additional benefits.
Always close to our customers – even in times of restricted contacts and social distancing
The outbreak of the Corona pandemic meant that we, too, had to adapt our processes quickly and, in some cases, even reinvent them. Fortunately, so far, we have been spared serious cutbacks such as infections among employees, quarantine of entire teams, or a shutdown of operations. Nevertheless, we have already taken precautions for such scenarios so that you can still reach us even under extreme conditions. The new live chat on our website, for example, makes it even easier for you to contact us and provide you with timely advice and support.
Innovative alternatives to trade shows
The current pandemic also required from us to come up with innovative alternatives to trade shows. Usually, we consider trade shows and meeting our customers in person to be central elements of our communication. Due to the many cancelled trade shows and the pandemic-related reduction in customer visits, we immediately started looking for alternatives. The aim here was, on the one hand, to continue to be able to share our know-how. On the other hand, we still wanted you to be able to experience our solutions as well as to get individual advice on your project. Therefore, we needed to find a way for you to experience our customized solutions remotely in live operation. All of these aspects have led to our new showroom, the ControlCenter-Xperience.

ControlCenter-Xperience – experience KVM like never before
The ControlCenter-Xperience is an example of seizing opportunities and adapting to new conditions even in difficult times. We use the permanently installed control room for individual customer presentations and consulting. Once the pandemic is over (let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope, this will be sooner than later), interested parties can visit the CCX to experience our KVM solutions on-site in live operation.
But how can you benefit from this space in the current situation without being able to visit us? Simply via live video and regardless of time and place. But during our live demos, you won’t just get a static image from a single perspective. High-end cameras with 40x optical zoom in all corners of the room will give you a comprehensive overview of everything our staff will show you.
Innovative ideas come from innovative employees
We benefit from our innovative, creative and highly motivated employees as well as from short ways of communication. For us, it is important that everyone knows and feels that their ideas can inspire a change of processes, innovations and contribute to securing the future of the company. Our employees have the freedom to push their ideas, develop market-driven solutions and come up with new concepts. And of course, we also benefit greatly from having our own in-house R&D department.
More new services to support you
We offer our customers the possibility of remote training, which many of our customers have already benefited from. It is particularly well suited for larger groups, internationally operating companies, and also makes our trainings independent of time and space. We consider this to be an additional benefit for our customers and a great addition to our in-house training.
We also use training and explanatory videos to introduce new devices or explain technologies and features. All of this and much more is available on our YouTube channel. Why don’t you check it out (of course, after you’ve finished reading this article ;-)?
Innovative equipment and solutions for current demands
We develop equipment and solutions specifically tailored to meet current requirements (e.g. access from home or from other locations). These innovations permanently supplement our portfolio with additional benefits and functions. Our new RemoteAccess-GATE, for example, lets you access your KVM systems over IP at any time and from anywhere. As a stand-alone device, the RemoteAccess-GATE helps you to control individual computers or even entire KVM systems remotely via LAN, WAN and the Internet. In this context, GATE stands for Global Access to Enterprise and thus for worldwide access to your KVM devices down to BIOS level – without having to install any software on the source computers.
Cooperations in innovative projects – control room concept for transporting blood and tissue samples by drone
The UAM (Urban Air Mobility) sector will provide new benefits to people, but also poses new challenges to today’s Air Traffic Management and Upper-Area Control Centers. In cooperation with several partners such as the city of Siegen, the company Microdrones, and the municipal hospitals, G&D has developed a control center concept under the motto “Rethinking Medical Care”. In the future, it will help to transport blood and tissue samples for fast analysis from the hospital sites to the central laboratory in Siegen, Germany. This contribution even goes beyond the aspect of medical benefits, because it also includes ecological factors such as the reduction of both the CO2 footprint and the fine dust pollution from courier vehicles.
- TOP 100 innovators – G&D among Germany’s most innovative mid-sized companies - 18. February 2021
- RemoteAccess-CPU – how to integrate virtual machines into your KVM matrix installation - 10. December 2020
- Key sets: how to operate your KVM installation even easier and faster - 17. September 2020
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