G&D at IBC 2023: German KVM pioneer showcases innovative solutions for the optimal interplay of broadcast and IT

G&D at IBC 2023: German KVM pioneer showcases innovative solutions for the optimal interplay of broadcast and IT

“Transforming Media. Changing Perceptions.” is the theme of this year’s IBC media and entertainment show in Amsterdam. From September 15-18, it’s all about the very latest trends and innovations, as well as the future of the broadcast industry. The German KVM manufacturer Guntermann & Drunck GmbH is looking forward to the event and will present …

Alan Turing: from child prodigy to mathematical legend – a feature on the anniversary of his 111th birthday

Alan Turing: from child prodigy to mathematical legend – a feature on the anniversary of his 111th birthday

Alan Turing was one of the smartest minds of the 20th century. His contributions to mathematics and computer science laid the foundation for the digital world we live in today. Turing’s works in the fields of computability and artificial intelligence, as well as his significant role in deciphering the German enigma codes during World War …

ATC consultant Robert Hamdoun joins G&D

ATC consultant Robert Hamdoun joins G&D

Robert Hamdoun, a highly experienced consultant for Air Traffic Management is now responsible for the development of new business opportunities for our company. As a leading supplier of high-end / secure KVM solutions for mission-critical security control rooms, we’re operating in various industries, among them Air Traffic Control, Industrial Automation, Energy and Supply, Oil and …

New redundancy feature for maximum availability in critical control room applications

New redundancy feature for maximum availability in critical control room applications

When it comes to security issues in control rooms, system availability is a crucial factor. Especially highly sensitive, mission-critical areas require maximum reliability of all technical components. A key aspect is the implementation of security concepts to maximize availability and cybersecurity. Why KVM plays such an important role in all of this, can be read …

G&D sets future trend: Type-C variants of the VisionXS product range for innovative control rooms

G&D sets future trend: Type-C variants of the VisionXS product range for innovative control rooms

Our VisionXS series continues to grow. Modern devices can easily be integrated into the overall installation thanks to the new extender variants for USB Type-C. Following the motto “smaller, more compact, more powerful”, we’re continually developing our compact product series VisionXS further. The high-performance KVM extenders are matrix-compatible and offer resolutions of up to 4K …