G&D MatrixGuard: Maximum security for a KVM Matrix-Grid™

G&D MatrixGuard: Maximum security for a KVM Matrix-Grid™

A KVM Matrix-Grid™ helps you implement extremely large KVM installations. Communication between matrix switches is bi-directional. Especially for critical applications, a fully redundant topology provides additional benefits for the availability of all connected systems. Users don’t even notice the complexity of the installation. To them, the matrix switches in the network feel like one big …

G&D test environment: comprehensive tests for high-quality KVM devices

G&D test environment: comprehensive tests for high-quality KVM devices

For years, we’ve been equipping customers in critical environments with our KVM products. Depending on the application, the installations range from simple KVM switches to complex, fully redundant matrix systems. But even though we’ve taken great care in developing every function of these systems, we at G&D believe that extensive testing is essential. In order …